AEM Technology Stack

20/06/2020 / BY / IN AEM Introduction / 10 Comments

AEM Architecture

AEM Architecture consist of three major layers

  1. Apache Sling RESTful Application Framework
    RESTful application framework responsible for HTTP request processing based on Apache Sling.

  2. OSGi Application Runtime
    Fully OSGi Java based modern modular application stack is dynamic library management implementation of Apache Felix.

  3. Java Content Repository (JCR)
    Java Content Repository (JCR) persistence layer with Access Control, Versioning, Search Observation etc. Implementation of Apache Jackrabbit Oak, is various persistence options supported such as TAR files, MongoDB, Relational Database and S3.

All these running in Servlet Container or Java EE Application Server.

Key Principles

  1. 100% Java
    AEM is 100% Java based, supports only “Long Term Support” (LTS) releases. Java 9 and 10 are non-LTS releases by Oracle. Adobe will only provide support for LTS releases of Java to run AEM in production. Therefore Java 11 is the recommended version to use with AEM 6.5.

    AEM can be deployed in standalone mode it includes an integrated Jetty web server or as a web application WAR file within third party application server such as JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere etc.

    It is platform independent can be installed on both Windows and Linux.

  2. Base on Standards
    It is based on standards
    JSR-283 –Java Content Repository (JCR) –for content storage
    OSGI –Dynamic Module System for Java
    Servlet API 3.

  3. Open Source
    AEM is commercial product based open source technology, all frameworks that laid in fundamental are open source such as Apache Jackrabbit Oak, Apache Felix, Apache Sling and Apache Tika.

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10 comments on AEM Technology Stack
  1. Latha Manivannan Says


    Nice article!! Looking forward for adv topics👍


  2. Megha Says


    Great knowledge sharing about AEM Architecture. Looking forward for more.


  3. Prabhu K Says


    Great Article santosh. Looking forward for more articles.


  4. Prasanna Says


    This is really good and in-depth guide of the architecture


  5. Harshad Patwa Says


    Great Article. Looking forward for more articles.


  6. Medhavi Kulshrestha Says


    Amazing Content. Really helpful for beginner as well as Intermediate in AEM .


  7. Prasanth Kakarla Says


    Great explanation about AEM architecture and all the basics related to AEM.

    Looking forward for more!!


  8. Irfan Alam Says


    Good explanation of the AEM architecture… Quite informative.


  9. Vinod Kumar Venkiteela Says


    Nicely done Santosh.. Good luck..!!


  10. vamsi kokku Says


    wonderful blogged. All the best


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